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baby blood造句

  • "Baby Blood " began shooting on 16 May 1989 in Paris France.
  • In the middle ages it was believed that Jews used baby blood to make their bread.
  • A Region 1 DVD of " Baby Blood " was released by Anchor Bay on 10 October 2006.
  • OSPHL mainly conducts screenings of newborn baby blood samples from a six state region, and testing for and investigations of infectious diseases.
  • So, I started researching it, just so I could feel REALLY bad about not banking Adam or Sarah's baby blood.
  • Once baby pops out it takes a few minutes for the blood in the placenta to increase the babies blood volume  sever too soon and one ends up with minor anaemia.
  • The cartoon parody is meant to push the boundries of taste, but amidst violence against women, the violation of corpses, kids asking to be sexually abused, heads blown off at close range, the drinking of baby blood . . . who-- and especially what child-- is going to be thinking of this as a parody ?"
  • It's difficult to see baby blood in a sentence. 用baby blood造句挺难的
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